Buddy Time is when we go to the Pre-primary class to read or do an activity with our Pre-primary buddy. My favourite thing about it is reading and doing different activities because it is like play and learning at the same time. – Emma

Buddy Time happens on a Friday afternoon, we spend time with the Pre-primary students to do lots of different craft activities and also read together. – Micaiah

Buddy Time is when we go to the Pre-primary class and do some activities together. My favourite thing about it is that we get to make some new friends. – Bradzen

My favourite thing about Buddy Time is that I can help the Pre-primaries because I like helping people. – Cooper

My favourite buddy activity was when we built a marble maze. It was fun making the maze because we needed to cut and tape different boxes together for the marbles to roll through. It was my favourite activity because I learnt from my buddy how to be a good friend and work together. – Aisha

My favourite buddy activities were painting insects on small rocks with paint, making Olympic Rings with paper, materials and glue, reading our favourite books, building a marble maze out of boxes and making paper planes to fly as far as possible. – Eloise

I can teach my buddy how to read, show kindness to others and make friends. – Molly

I can teach my buddy how to listen to the teacher, behave in class and be nice to their buddy. – Mia

I can teach my buddy multiplication, how to be patient and help others. – Hunta

My Pre-primary  buddy taught me what it is like to be a teacher. – Luca

My Pre-primary buddy taught me more about God. – Liam

My Pre-primary buddy taught me how to make an airplane that can do tricks. When we threw our plane it would fly in circles and then return to us. – David

My Pre-primary buddy cheered me up and gave me encouragement when I didn’t know how to do an activity. – Olivia

Buddy PP3