On Wednesday the 14th of September we held our annual primary house athletics carnival. 131 events were run across the entire day, with a focus on maximum student participation and enjoyment. All students were actively involved throughout the day in the tabloid program of events. The weather was fantastic, this and the efficiency and organisation of the day’s program allowed for successful completion of all set events. The House of Moses won the Primary Athletics Carnival for 2016, to follow on from the Swimming Carnival earlier in the year which they also won. It was the first time in a decade that any other House apart from Joshua have won the Primary Athletics Carnival.
I would like to commend all students for their hard work throughout the term and their eagerness to participate and encourage others over the course of the day. The secondary students were excellent assistants on the day and the Primary Teaching Staff are to be thanked for their wonderful work. My personal appreciation is also extended to Miss Freemantle and Mrs Goss for their assistance in organising the day and their placement of students in events in Physical Education lessons across the term. It was a fantastic day and great result for the Primary School students, staff, parents and community. Below are the overall house points and individual house placings from the day.