The start of a new year is always a wonderful time which brings many new experiences. This is my tenth year at the College. Over the past decade the school has changed immensely and the Primary School itself has continued to change, develop and grow over this time. Without a doubt, 2017 will bring with it many new aspirations, challenges, ideas and improvements, all bottled with a new level of excitement. For our students the new year brings with an introduction to the school, a movement of class and year group, new teachers, new friends, new subjects and new challenges. 2017 has been termed the year of ‘Effective Learning’. In line with this theme, Primary Staff continue to focus on the learning needs of each of our students. We are aiming to continue improving each child’s learning opportunities, standards and experiences both across this year and into the future.

It has been a busy start to the year with new classrooms, new staff, new furniture, and equipment and staff professional development to commence the year. It is always a joy to welcome students to their new classrooms, seeing them back amongst their peers, in a new setting, ready and eager to learn. There is nothing more enjoyable than seeing the excitement and enthusiasm on the faces of both students and staff in preparation for the year that lies ahead.

Each year I also enjoy leading and working with a fantastic and changing team of primary school teachers and support staff and in welcoming those who are joining us for their first year of teaching and assisting your children at our school. This year I extend my personal welcome to our new teaching staff Mrs Kirsten Beek has returned to the Primary school after a four year absence to work with Mr Bradley McCloud in our 3A classroom. Miss Maria Maturana has joined us in Year 2A, Miss Dympna McCollum in Year 5C and Miss Emma Perin in Year 6C. Our new staff will have a personal profile included in our College newsletters.

This year we have 135 new students joining us across the College this year, with 525 students from Kindergarten to Year 6.  We still have some vacancies in some year groups so please continue to let others know of the positive learning opportunities your child will experience at our school.

I look forward to meeting and assisting each Primary School child across the year and in meeting our Kindergarten to Year 6 parents at many of the Primary School events that are hosted across the year. I am also always willing to assist parents whenever needs arise, at times I am available for informal appointments, though the easiest way to ensure availability is by making an appointment through Mrs. Lynn Hamilton at Primary Administration (Room G6).

Mr. Anthony Moses
Assistant Principal (Primary)