Dadventure is a relaxed holiday-style camp with a range of outdoor activities, communal dining and a series of thought-provoking seminars on topics designed to build strong relationships between fathers and their children. Guided adventure hike into the Nuyts Wilderness area, kayaking trips on remote and beautiful South Coast rivers, campfire chats, kick-back in the barn with indoor games and meals together, the “Bald Head experience” Eco Cruise and more.

Who is this for? Dads and other father figures who commit to investing in a week to strengthen the relationship with their child(ren). To do this in the company of other dads with the same desire, spending time in community encouraging each other in our fathering.

The camp is an activity of the Fathering Project @ Carey in partnership with SU Camping. Camp facilitators include Dave Boldy (Teacher, Carey Primary), Kim Chidgzey (Chaplain, Carey Secondary), Andy Kilminster (Teacher, Carey College Secondary) and Dave Kilpatrick (Senior Pastor, Carey Baptist Church).

This camp is a pilot camp with the hope to run further camps in the future. Please share this within your networks and if you are unable to go please pray for Dave, the team and the camp.

For more information or questions contact Dave at Applications can be made via our website