Year 4 is phenomenal! It has been a pleasure to be in Miss Cook’s classroom this year! We have created so many fun memories together. Some of these are making super cool parachutes, playing shoot the sheriff and playing silent ball in class.

We have had some great incursions and excursions this year. One of these was when we went to Fremantle Prison. The solitary confinement cells were particularly interesting to see! We also learnt that when a prisoner ran across the grass they would get a warning and if they did it again they would get shot! When we had a look into some of the old cells, we were told that each prisoner had a 2 litre bucket to use as a toilet. Yuck!

In health we have been learning about disability awareness and we had a visitor, Bobby Pike who came to talk to us about his disability. When he was young, he was with his friends out for a drive. His friend was speeding and drove into a puddle which spun the car around and crashed into a tree. The car split into two. He was lucky because he was sitting in the back of the car. He was saved because there was piece of metal that flew across his body. Sadly, he had lost both of his legs and the three friends that were in the car with him. Since then he has played in the junior league and then was in the Australian Wheelchair Basketball team. He also won a gold medal in the Paralympics. He taught us that all disabilities are different and not to stare or judge someone by how they look. We were surprised to learn that he is Mrs Pike’s husband! (One of the teachers in year 4).

Another great memory was Entrepreneur’s Day where we earnt over $2000 and donated it to Guide Dogs Australia. We enjoyed seeing what everyone else had made and we liked how everyone devoted their time to prepare their stalls for Entrepreneur’s Day.

Every Friday in class we would play a maths game called Numero It was a fun competition to see who the Numero champion would be for the week!

We have enjoyed being in Year 4 and will all miss it!

Written by Natasha Bailey, Grace Finch, Rhett Gibbons, Lily Horton and Tafadzwa Kandenga.