This term in 5C, the students have each been given a Year 2 buddy to teach, mentor and take care of at school. Every Tuesday afternoon the Year 5’s make their way down to class 2C and spend an hour getting to know and working alongside their Year 2 buddy.

So far this term the children have had the opportunity to read together, draw, play board games, create Mother’s Day cards, work together to create play dough masterpieces and our highlight so far is making and flying kites together.

All of the children are loving getting to know their buddy, playing with them and helping them to do different activities. It has been wonderful to see the Year 5C students checking in on their buddies throughout the week and even writing them letters! These activities are proving to instill a sense of responsibility and leadership into our amazing Year 5 students. We are all looking forward to more wonderful activities throughout the year with the Year 2 students.