Supporting our Teachers

Across the globe, Jesus is recognised as a great teacher. We can all be inspired when we are teaching others.

In a 2017 book dedicated to affirming a ‘strengths-based approach’ to working, the authors (Oades, L., Steger, M., Fave, A., and Passmore, J.) share the below quotes about teachers:

“A teacher affects eternity, [s]he can never tell where his [or her] influence stops” (p. 466), and

“they transform individual lives and improve the quality of life of the entire society” (p. 483).

When looking to websites about ‘Jesus and teaching’, one reference contributes the following characteristics of Jesus’ teaching:

  • Followers recognised (were amazed at) the authoritative content of his teaching.
  • Jesus was purposeful.
  • He taught with compassion, placing people first.
  • He challenged his followers.
  • Jesus encouraged his followers to talk to God (e.g. the Lord’s Prayer).

(Ref: )

Jesus impact on the world is globally recognised. Teachings such as ‘loving your enemy’ established his reputation as a radical educator. This is evidenced locally, nationally and internationally, by the current presence of Christian churches, medical centres, universities, schools and too numerous to name Not-For-Profit centres. All have been inspired by Jesus inspirational teachings about ‘the good life’; a life that is fulfilling, and truly ‘rich’, including a cornerstone, salvation message that each of us can have a personal relationship with God.

Teachers at SCBC are continually engaging in a cyclical, dynamic process of teaching and learning, then teaching and learning etc. Inspired by Jesus, all staff at SCBC want to help positively influence our community of young people, as a means of inspiring them to fully embrace their gifts and talents; now and in post-secondary life.

Compassion and rigour (i.e. disciplined purposefulness) are more than just an expressed school motto, they are the living strategies inspired by arguably the world’s greatest teacher.

I’m committed to helping the teachers of your children do their best work. In wellbeing related research, teachers who experience more positive workplace experiences are more satisfied in their work (Connolly & Viswesvaran et al., 2000). It’s logical to extend this understanding to suggest more satisfied teachers will be more positively engaging with students.

There are many ways we can appropriately encourage our teachers, including simple expressions of gratitude and appreciation. Many of you do this instinctively. I want you to know that you are directly helping SCBC to be an increasingly supportive and affirming environment for our young people.

I was reminded of this during the week, watching our Year 8 Junior Soccer team compete in the rain against Emmanuel Catholic College. Seeing our staff and parents support our young people regardless of incoming sheets of rain spoke for itself.

We are in community together, and your positive contribution to our shared learning space is deeply valued and appreciated.

Thank you.

Des Mitchell