It’s been a busy start to Term 3 in the Primary School. Our students have all had their school photographs taken for the year. The Year 1 to 6 students have all had the opportunity to participate in House Cross-Country races. Year 5’s enjoyed two days of adventure camp in Baldivis, and twenty-six of our students enjoyed performing musical items in front of an audience of their parents and friends at the annual Musique Festival. The House of David enjoyed their pizza reward lunch and the Prefects, with help from Mrs Hamilton and some of our mums cooked over 300 sausages for our Year 1 to 6 students. The Primary Boys Interschool Football team won the Eastern Region Championships and the W.A. State Primary Schools’ Football Championships for the third year in a row.

We have many activities coming up over the months of August and the first week of September including:

  • Thursday, 15th August: Interschool Basketball at the Bendat Centre in Mount Claremont for our Year 5 & 6 teams
  • Friday, 16th August: Special Music Assembly – Featuring our Year 5 & 6 Choir, our 2019 Meraki Festival students and the Secondary Jazz Ensemble
  • Friday, 23rd August: Bookweek Character Dress-up Day and Parade
  • Friday, 23rd August to Friday the 30th August: Year 6 & 7 Sydney / Canberra and Snowfields Trip
  • Saturday, 24th August: Bunnings Sausage Sizzle for Fathering Project – This will take place at Bunnings in Rockingham – Parents -please let Mr Lituri know if you can assist on the day. If not, please visit Bunnings on this day and order a Sausage Sizzle to help raise funds for this initiative
  • Wednesday, 28th & Thursday the 29th August: Kindergarten and Pre-Primary Father’s Day evening events
  • Friday, 6th September: Year 3 to 6 Disco – 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm – SCBC Hall
  • Saturday, 7th September: College Open Day for 2019 – 10 am to 2 pm. Please see your child’s Classroom Teacher or Parent Connect representative if you can assist for a period of the day. We hope to see many of our families, as well as some visitors, come through on the day. Further information about this event will be distributed over oncoming weeks.

Across this term, we are also holding a BMX Bike Raffle. The bike is on display outside the Primary Administration Area (Room G6). Tickets for the bike are $2 each. The bike has been kindly donated by Mr Reece Whitby MLA and funds raised will go towards a Primary School initiative. We hope to sell lots of tickets to Primary and Secondary students for this brand new BMX bike, which comes with a lock and helmet

All Primary School parents should have a copy of the Term 3 Primary Events Calendar for 2019, which outlines the main events across the oncoming term. An electronic version of the Calendar is available at the following link on the College website:

It is wonderful to see our students grow in their academic and sporting and artistic pursuits. Staff in the Primary School are passionate about their classes and the opportunities that they provide to students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

I hope you enjoy reading about the learning opportunities that take place across the Primary School year. South Coast Baptist College is most certainly a place where students have opportunities to develop Rigorous Minds and Compassionate Hearts.

I hope to see many of our students and parents at these events and others across the second half of the Term.

Kind Regards,

Anthony Moses
Head of Primary