What an amazing year we have had! We thank our Lord for the wonderful facility he has provided where our children can thrive in their learning journey while in a safe environment. We have been so blessed this year with many new families joining us. It is all our families that make our centre such a special place to be.

This week our babies were busy splashing in their paddle pool as this beautiful warm weather finally sets in. Water never gets boring and adding in a few balls or tipping some into the sandpit can keep our babies entertained for hours and hours. They were surrounded by so many different opportunities for them to develop their fine and gross motor skills and-eye coordination through actions like pouring, squirting, scrubbing, stirring and squeezing.

Our Toddlers and 3-year-old rooms practised their evacuation procedures. This is something that we do regularly so it forms part of their normal routine. You quickly realise just how capable children are. When they hear the whistle they already know where to go and what to do. It really is amazing to watch.

Our pre-kindy children were amazed by the bird eggs that Mrs Striepe bought in. These had come from her bird at home who had just left them in her cage. Mrs Striepe thought it a great idea to bring in so they could have a chat about birds, their eggs, nests and so much more. Children were all in awe of these eggs. They looked at a video where they could see step by step the process of birds hatching.

Our free community playgroup also experienced another flourishing year, this has been a place where we partnered together with families on a Friday morning during the school terms giving them an opportunity to experience education and care through the expertise of Qualified Educators. While being part of their child’s learning journey, they have also built a sense of community with other families and staff within the centre.

Our Vacation Care team are getting very excited for the upcoming December/January holidays, and the flyer will be sent out to all primary school students.

Thank you to all our families that have walked beside us this year, we have enjoyed partnering with you as we have celebrated many events throughout the year such as ANZAC Day, Reconciliation Week, College Open Day and National Children’s Week to name a few. These events would never have happened without your support. All your families have enriched our centre’s community in so many ways, from providing us with donations, supporting charitable causes, your feedback on to our Quality Improvement Plan wall in the foyer and all your encouragement along the way has made us feel appreciated.

As the year is coming to a close it is almost time to wish our amazing Kindy children all the very best for Pre-primary next year. We will also be witnessing our incredible Pre-Kindy children graduate into Kindy in the New Year. It has been such a privilege taking your little ones on a learning journey and preparing them for being school ready.

We hope all our families will join us in the festive season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. All of our rooms are busy learning their songs and actions to perform at our end of year Christmas Party. There will be lots of activities and entertainment for our families to enjoy and we look forward to our time together. Centre closure will be from Monday 23rd of December through to Friday 3rd of January 2020.  

From all of us at South Coast Baptist Childcare, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year!