Dear SCBC community,

We have been blessed recently by the official launching of our Vocal Academy, and Community Fete.


Thank you for supporting us again this year. We love sharing with others the many positive initiatives happening in the life of our college.

Our Community Fete was a wonderful opportunity to see what was has been happing in different classrooms, both Primary and Secondary.

The below pieces of student work captured my attention. The associated learning task shows how we approach education.

Our starting point is the foundational belief that we see children as being made in the image of God (‘imago Dei’). This belief profoundly affects every aspect of our engagement with students. We believe God is loving and good. The featured pictures show an exercise where students were encouraged to think about the good aspects of who they are. As beings made in the image of God, we instinctively look for the wonderful attributes in each of them, knowing they help reflect the wonderful character of God.

‘God created mankind in his own image … ‘ (Genesis 1:27)

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.’ (Psalm 139:14)

Being made in the image of God isn’t restricted to those with green hair or purple hair. Our world view is shaped by the Bible’s guidance that all mankind has been created to be in God’s image. Consequently, we see children as a beautiful gift from God, each of them uniquely created in a way that helps us better understand God’s goodness. Whether born into Royal households or into circumstances of distressful uncertainty, they are equally important and precious to God.

In the alternative, I recall asking an Academic in a distant overseas community the question: “How do you see a child?” The answer was: “A person that you can add value to.” Arguably, the rational implication is that if you can’t add value to the child, they are consequently not valuable. It should be of no surprise that I noticed there appeared to be a disproportionate provision for orphanages of unwanted children.

Our beliefs profoundly shape the way we value and approach life.


Each year I have the pleasure of sharing a meal with every Year 12 student before they leave. I typically ask: “What has been good?”. Below is the verbatim record of the most common responses. It’s all about the quality of their Teachers.

Teachers – Ranked 1st

  • Teachers are very attentive.
  • Teachers …“they love what they do, so you want to do really well.”
  • Teachers genuinely care about students.
  • Teachers … they understand and respond to individual needs.
  • Teachers … Student-teacher relationships; past and present.
  • Teachers … They are nice and help you.
  • Teachers are very supportive.
  • Teachers help.
  • Support from Teachers with subjects.
  • Relationship between staff and students, including help with personal issues.
  • Teachers and relationships.
  • Close relationships between staff and students.
  • Teachers are caring when students are upset.
  • Relationships with staff and students.
  • Teaching staff want you to succeed, including in your Christian faith. “I came to faith through this school.”
  • Teachers are looking out for student’s best interests.
  • Teachers always have time for you. They’re very efficient.
  • Teachers are there for you. You can talk to them.

I hope this insight helps you see what our students value the most in their education at South Coast Baptist College.

Please pray for our students and encourage them, as they approach their final classes and assessments.

We love them and will miss them.

Des Mitchell