Welcome to Early Learning- Childcare

Our College theme 2022 is ‘Caring Clarity’ and it could not have come in a timelier manner, where major disruptions are continually occurring throughout our community due to COVID-19.

Children are curious, capable, resourceful, and resilient and they have demonstrated this to us throughout the change of our practices with handover at the front door of our Early Learning Childcare Centre. At first, it was a difficult transition with heartfelt understanding from us as educators and administrators with your hesitation and anxiety how this would all work out. Separation anxiety is normal during early childhood especially when our children were not given the opportunity to practice this new routine that was directed by the WA Health Department.

Thank you for partnering with us, the children have settled into their new routines, and we hope you have thoroughly enjoyed viewing your children’s learning journey through the lenses of the room’s daily online Educa posts. It is a blessing to be sharing with you your child’s learning environment each day. Whether the children are at gymnastics with Mrs Ellis and her team or in the Atelier Studio working on Microsoft Paint, or making a whole room belonging quilt mat, in Kodomo room, or working with recycled material while learning about sustainability, or promoting wellbeing through every day physical literacy, or even at each forum time where we revisit our learnings that have occurred throughout our time together or even learning about Jesus through the bible stories and enjoying many sing-a-long songs or learning techniques of photography in the Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program. Having you interact with us is so encouraging for us all! By reading these posts, it gives you the opportunity for many dinner conversations to be shared at home with your young ones.

All the rooms are excited to share what learning adventures they have had so far this year.