The Premier announced from Friday, 9th September 2002, public health measures will ease.
Mask mandate on public and passenger transport to ease – this includes all interstate and intrastate aircraft, public transport and rideshare and all school buses and school vehicles. Mask wearing still required in high-risk settings such as hospitals, aged and disability care facilities, with masks encouraged for crowded indoor settings.
Masks will no longer be required to be worn on public or passenger transport. Masks are an important measure to reduce transmission and are still encouraged to be worn in crowded indoor settings when people are unable to physically distance. Students and staff can choose to wear a mask at school, at any time.
Testing for COVID-19 for students who are symptomatic or as a close contact, remains an effective way to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our schools. If you need additional RATs, please liaise directly with Student Services.
People who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for a minimum of 5 days and can leave isolation if they no longer have symptoms. People who are still symptomatic must remain in isolation until symptoms clear.
Please let the school know if your child tests positive for COVID-19 by clicking here.
Close contacts with no symptoms can continue to attend school and do not have to isolate for the 5 days if they:
- undertake a daily Rapid Antigen Test (RAT); and
- wear a mask outside the home (Year 7 and above).
Please view the below the Department of Education’s poster regarding COVID-19.
Thank you for your continued support of the school community.