Camp Challenge
The Year 9 camp was an absolute blast! On Tuesday, 2 August, 110 Year 9 students arrived at school full of excitement and anticipation. By 9am the buses were packed, and we rolled on out headed for Forest Edge Recreation Camp in Waroona.
Year 9 Camp got off to a flying start! We arrived amidst an almighty deluge. That wouldn’t hold our Year 9s back! They leapt from the bus grabbing bags under each arm and dashed to the cover of the camp’s veranda.
We were met by the amazing Forest Edge staff who let us know what kind of adventure challenges we were in for. Then, straight away, we were into activities. Zip lining across the valley on the ‘Big Fox’, descending the abseil tower, building billy carts to race down the hill and much more.
The Year 9 camp is all about working together in groups to overcome obstacles and to challenge yourself. The camp also had a focus on kindness. Students heard devotions across the camp about the radical kindness shown by Jesus – especially to outcasts in his society.
As the Year 9s navigate what can be a tricky year, with new demands and relationships, it is good to be reminded that no one does the journey alone. In fact, we need to reach out and rely on one another to overcome many of life’s obstacles. Students reading the messages of kindness they had written to each other was a particular highlight.
Career Curious
On Friday, 26th August, the Year 9 cohort bused into the city to attend the Skills West Careers Expo. We also visited Curtin University in the afternoon for an all-about-university presentation and a ‘race around the campus’ scavenger hunt. A focus this year is assisting students to start thinking about the career options that excite them and align with their talents and passions. This excursion certainly helped students along this journey.
If you have any questions about the Pastoral Care work we do in Year 9, please contact your child’s form teacher or myself. We’d love to connect with you.
Simon Bint
Head of Year 9