We successfully completed Term 1 and had a fantastic response to our April vacation care program. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the various organised excursions and activities, making it a truly memorable experience for all.

Throughout this term, we focused on integrating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) into our everyday play. One of the highlights was a project where students designed their own race car tracks using objects and furniture found within the room. They had the opportunity to test the functionality of their tracks and make necessary alterations to improve their designs.

Additionally, our main objective was for our students to get to know each other better, fostering a sense of community. To achieve this, we created the “who we are wall” where students could display photographs of their families and loved ones, as well as share stories about themselves. This initiative has proven to be a wonderful way for the children to connect and appreciate each other’s unique backgrounds.

In collaboration with our art teacher, Mr Marwick, the students have also been exploring our artillery room. They have created remarkable displays and even composed musical melodies, which have brought joy to our mornings.

As we look forward to Term 3 and our upcoming July Vacation Care, we anticipate even more exciting activities and learning opportunities for our students. We are committed to providing them with a fun and educational environment that stimulates their curiosity and creativity.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our program. We value your partnership in nurturing the growth and development of our students.

Miss Cull
OSHC Room Curriculum Leader