Our Gymnastics Academy students competed in their first ever Trampolining Competition over the weekend. It was sensational!
Day 1 saw our boys brave it out on the competition floor experiencing a friendly but tough competition, and our Junior International female Evie hit her personal best score as she prepares for National Clubs next week. Congratulations to you all on your achievements and a big thank you to our coaching team for all of your support and encouragement. Results as follows.
Level 3
James Groom – Year 6
Third in individual TRP
Third in double mini TRP
Second Synchro TRP
Max Reid – Year 5
Fourth in individual TRP
Second in Synchro TRP
Level 6
Gustav Coetser – Year 10
Fourth in individual TRP
Fourth in double mini TRP
Second in Synchro TRP
International Jnr
Evie Gallacher – Year 10
First in individual TRP
Day 2 had our girls competing and holding their own in large sessions. They overcame their nerves and gave it their all. Thank you again to our coaching staff for another day of action packed support. Results as follows.
Level 4
Tiana Skoda – Year 7
Second in Tumble
Level 3
Lucy Ellis – Year 7
Fifth in Double Mini Trampoline
Level 4
Mikayla Lambert – Year 8
First in Double Mini Trampoline
Mikayla Lambert & Ashlee Cole (Year 9)
Third in Synchro Trampoline
Well done to all our student competitors for your courage and determination. We are so proud of your efforts this year. A special shout out to Melissa Ellis the Director of Gymnastics, and Leo Kimble our High Performance Coach in Trampolining. Without you both our College would not have this wonderful opportunity. Thank you!