The IPSHA Year 4 to 6 Senior Speakers’ Challenge was held at Scotch College in Seanbourne on Thursday September the 7th.
Four students from SCBC presented speeches at this event. in the event: Bridget and Cara from Year 5, as well as Harrison and Oliver from Year 6.
During the initial rounds, our representatives gave excellent speeches. Cara’s speech focused on children and Law Making , while Oliver’s speech was titled “Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight”. Bridget’s topic was, ‘Practice Makes Perfect.’ Bronze medals were awarded to Cara, Oliver and Bridget for their efforts.
The competition was intense, with 75 speakers from 25 private school hoping to advance to the second round. Harrison spoke on ‘The 10% Brain Myth’ His speech was outstanding, and he was awarded the first place Gold Medal for his room and for winning round 1. Harrison then had to compete in the final round against the other 7 top speakers in front of a large gathering of parents and students in the Scotch Junior School Hall. His 4 minute presentation was flawless. It is the first time we have had a student move through to the final round where only 5 of the 25 schools were represented and judged by a 10-person panel. Harrison will present his speech at one more time at our Year 4 to 6 Academic Assembly next Term.
Congratulations to these four Year 5 & 6 students for their remarkable efforts in presenting an excellent standard of speeches.