The July holiday program was a whirlwind of creativity, fun, and a little bit of rain. Here is a quick peek at what we have been up to and what is in store for the upcoming months.

July Holiday Program: Unleashing Creativity

Our July holiday program was an absolute blast! Even though the weather forced us indoors more often than not, our explorers did not let that dampen their spirits. We saw artistry bloom, danced up a storm, and got our hearts racing with sports galore. A highlight of the month was “Mario Day,” where the children put on their thinking caps and designed their very own Mario challenges using classroom objects. It was a day filled with imagination and teamwork.

Our excursion to the Boola Bardip museum was an unforgettable journey through time and space. The children delved into the history of our state, country, and the world. They returned with newfound knowledge and inspired curiosity about the world around us. We cannot wait for more educational adventures like these in the future.

For the incursion with Buzz Ed Australia, we all got to meet a real-life Beekeeper! It was super cool to look inside a beehive which had 3 sections, the brood box, queen excluder and the honey box. Did you know, bees have 5 eyes and 4 wings. We learnt the importance of bees in our environment.

Looking Ahead: September-October Holidays

The excitement does not stop here! We are already gearing up for our next holiday program during the upcoming September-October break. Get ready for more engaging activities, explorations, and plenty of laughter. Please see the new flyer for more details!

Involving Our Visionaries

We are thrilled to announce a new approach to our program planning. Starting this term, we will ask the children what they want to learn about or experience each term. Their ideas and suggestions will be the driving force behind our monthly program. We cannot wait to see where their imaginations take us!

The Superhero Food Challenge: Nourishing Curiosity

This term, we have been diving into the world of healthy eating, as inspired by one of our curious students. They wanted to understand the magic behind nutritious foods, and what better way to explore than with a Super Hero Food Challenge? The children have been bravely tasting 35 different fruits and vegetables and seeing them embrace the adventure has been a joy. Our colourful poster has been a fantastic visual aid, sparking their enthusiasm for healthier choices.

S.T.E.A.M -tactic Adventures

Our S.T.E.A.M program continues to captivate young minds. We have introduced technology into the mix, integrating science and art through OSMO Play. This term, we ventured into the world of physics, exploring Newton’s Law and the mysteries of gravity. The children experimented with balance and pulley systems, discovering how they can manipulate the motion of a falling ball. It has been a hands-on learning journey that is as fun as it is educational.

As we embark on this new term filled with promise and curiosity, the Minasan Team is grateful for the opportunity to nurture your children’s growth and creativity. We are excited to learn, explore, and have countless adventures together in the months to come.

Thank you for entrusting us with your young ones in the early learning journey. Let us make this coming term as terrific as ever!