We’ve had a fantastic start to the new year, welcoming many new Kindy children to our before and after-school care program. Seeing their enthusiasm as they embark on this new journey alongside us has been a joy.

Students have been honing their writing skills through various techniques and handwriting exercises. From mastering their names to tackling the alphabet, our learners are making impressive strides. Additionally, problem-solving skills have been cultivated through many engaging activities, fostering critical thinking.

Our daily forums have become a cornerstone of our indoor activities. These sessions provide a platform for educators and students to collaborate, share ideas, and learn together. Discussions on respect and understanding form an integral part of these forums, nurturing a culture of empathy and mutual respect within our community.

Spelling and dance exercises have seamlessly integrated into our daily routines, with educators incorporating specific words into various activities. To add an element of fun, dancing has been introduced, allowing students to express themselves creatively while learning in a dynamic environment.

Transitioning from Kindy to pre-primary can be daunting, but this transition has been smooth thanks to Miss Cull’s support and our students’ cooperation. Our students have demonstrated remarkable adaptability and maturity, from organising materials to following directions.

Our indoor and outdoor activities have been carefully created to promote both mental and physical wellbeing. From painting recyclable boxes to engaging in ball sports, students have had ample opportunities to express themselves creatively while staying active and healthy.

We cater to the diverse interests and needs of our students. Through a combination of hands-on activities, technology integration, and cooperative learning experiences, we strive to foster a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom.

We are filled with excitement as we gear up for the upcoming April Vacation Care program. Stay tuned for a variety of themed activity days designed to keep our students engaged and entertained during their school break.

Thank you for entrusting us with your children’s care and education. We look forward to continuing this journey of growth and learning together.

Ms Cruz

Minasan (OSHC) Room Curriculum Leader