Dear College Families,

Term Two has continued to be full of exciting and happy times for our students with the community events and opportunities made available.

Our ANZAC Day assemblies this term paid tribute once again to our Defence Forces and we honoured those of the past and our servicemen and women of the present. We thank CHAP Cornelis Bosch for representing the Defence Force and being our guest speaker at our Assemblies. Our students and staff appreciated hearing directly from our ADF Navy Chaplain. It was very special to have had the opportunity.
We hope all of the mothers in our community felt the warm appreciation and love that was celebrated at our Mother’s Day events. As a mother myself, I know you would agree with me that motherhood is the most rewarding but hardest of all the jobs we could ever do. Being a parent is a blessing and an incredible privilege. We all do the best we can. We hope that College Mums enjoyed our Mother’s Day celebrations this Term.

This is a term of examinations, tests and assignments and our students have been head down meeting the due dates and objectives of each task. It is our aim that curriculum delivery, while comprehensive and challenging should also provide the breadth and depth of education that sparks wonder, inquiry and intelligent engagement. It is so important for students to ask questions when a concept might allude them or when they need further clarification and instruction. I advise our students to always ask questions of their Teachers. Our Teachers are devoted to their work and welcome the opportunities to help our young people learn to enhance potential.

Our Secondary Careers Expo in May was outstanding! Having our Hall and venues filled with every University in the State, representatives from the Police and the Defence Forces, TAFEs, Careers pathway presentations and so much more, with a packed audience at each session was incredible. Thank you to our Secondary Leadership, Careers Department, all Learning Areas and the Development Team for a superb event to benefit and provide guidance for our students and families concerning the many wonderful choices for the future.

Congratulations to our many sportsmen and women in our students who have been selected this term to represent WA and Australia. We congratulate Xavier Bogg representing WA in the National Swimming 10-12s Championship on the Gold Coast in July. Congratulations to Callan Benefer representing WA in the National Softball 18s Championship again on the Gold Coast in July. Year 11 student and gymnast Evie Gallacher has also smashed it again finishing with bronze in third place at the Senior International Open division for gymnastics. This will prepare her well when she represents Australia in July in two Portuguese competitions. Congratulations to all our athletes, our Football Academy students and our sports teams for their passion, good sportsmanship and increasing skillsets. Unbeatable!

This Term we have also been working with our Master Plan Architects, the Firm Architectus, and we are really inspired by the future vision for South Coast. All will be revealed in upcoming months. It is very exciting!

Thank you to our families for the conversations you have obviously had with your children advising them not to go to the shopping centre after entering school grounds in the morning. It is for their safety being without our supervision at the shopping centre, that we have this rule. We appreciate the support of parents in our community to reinforce this rule with the students.

If you are holidaying overseas this term break or just relaxing in Perth while winter approaches, I hope you will be refreshed and have pleasant times with the family and friends.
Wishing you the very best.

Dawn Clements
College Principal

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.

Psalm 23: 1-3