To keep our students safe and our staff able to park at school grounds without issue, we ask in good faith that there is ‘no standing on the crosswalks’ in school grounds and ‘no standing in front of the crosswalks’.
Little children cannot see beyond large vehicles as their line of sight is closer to the ground and the crosswalks which they believe are safe to walk across on most occasions. Children can be unpredictable at times and adult drivers need to be mindful that parking on a crosswalk or in front of a cross walk when dropping off students is not safe for the community.
I ask your cooperation to please avoid standing in front of a cross walk or on the cross walk at the front of the school when dropping off or picking up your children.
The City Council Rangers patrol areas periodically, vehicles parked on the verge in a No Standing area may be fined by the City Council.
If suitable parking is unavailable please consider using the Shopping Centre car park or the oval verge on Gnangara Drive, where parking is permitted.