We had our Year 10 River Cruise on 22nd August.  The night was a huge success full of dancing, singing, eating, and so many photo booth pictures. It was great to see students letting their hair down and celebrate the year to date. Honourable mentions go to the staff members who were not afraid to cut loose on the dance floor as well!

Students have been working hard this term across all courses with many students preparing for their end of year exams next term. Many students have begun the processes of subject selection for Year 11 & 12 and students successfully applying for VET/TAFE placements for a day a week next year. A huge congratulations to Eric Zhang, Felix Godi and Ivan Firsov for gaining a placement for the KIC iScience program for next term.

Our students have also recently elected their house captains for next year and we are so thankful for the number of students willing to lead our student body and put their name forward. I personally congratulate Neil, Chloe, Khadijah, Brodie and Hunta who will lead this cohort next year as Year 11 House Captains.

It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of Term 3. As we head into the holidays, we pray for a safe and relaxing break where students will come back refreshed and ready for a huge last Term!

Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always – Psalm 105:3-4

Caroline Crowther
Head of Year 10