There has been a lot going on since our last update. The students have been working hard in their classes preparing for various projects and assessments. They have also continued to grow and learn in their social skills as they navigate more mature friendships and relationships with each other. While these are all great moments for learning these can also be times in which anxiety and stress starts to manifest in children. I am reminded of the often quoted and popular bible verse:  

'Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.' (Philippians 4:6-7)

Whether you come from a faith background or not, the science seems to be clear; thankfulness and gratitude are great ways to improve one’s mental health. It is important that students (and parents) actively seek out ways to be thankful for what they have and to promote positivity in their lives and the lives of those around them.  This clearly leads to better outcomes for students.   In addition, as Christians, we are reminded that God can help us manage our stress. May I encourage you and your family to have moments where you reflect on all the things you can be grateful for as a means of improving your mental health. 

This Term we had a Year 8 Information Evening. It was great to see some familiar faces and also meet some new families in a positive atmosphere. The night was spent going through what the journey of raising an adolescence may look like and the reasons for potential difficult behaviours. We discussed ways that we can support our children through this time. We also talked about habits and strategies to improve academic progress.

Later this Term our students will have the opportunity to participate in a non-compulsory social activity on Wednesday in the last week of term. The social activity we choose is going to be partly decided by the students based on a survey made available in week five. We would encourage you to send your child along, so they can have some fun while also growing in their relationships with each other and their teachers.  Meeting their fellow students in an environment other than school helps to strengthen relationships and encourage positivity amongst the cohort.   

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 

Oliver Oeij, Head of Year 8