This term in the studio has been busy as ever. We have been painting up our Nativity sets, (the Inn with no rooms and the Manger), for Koorlongka’s Nativity play, our babies have been visiting regularly and having a great time making a painty mess on our blue tarp, drawing, exploring our musical instruments and painting at our easels.

We have also introduced a printer/scanner/copier to the studio, the ink on the printer ran out pretty quick once some of our Koorlongka’s figured out how to print and copy for themselves so we are now exploring what the scanner can do, scanning objects, our hands, and other random materials from around the room into Microsoft Paint to then draw over with our drawing tablet.

Our Kodomo’s have been playing in a cardboard pirate ship and imagining it was a “Rocket-Ship House,” as well as doing some excellent work with boxes, card, hammer, and nails and our Pikanini’s have been loving collaging onto various boxes, stamping, contact collage work and learning how to hold and strum a ukulele and surprisingly have also taken an interest in the scanner, Anderson scanning his bunny onto the computer.

Minasan have been drawing each morning and our annual Minasan drawing project book is nearly complete and ready to go out to parents featuring the excellent artwork of over 40 of our Minasan kids.

It has been a full year for sure. So much art made, lots of fun colourful mess created and tons of learning. I am super proud of our children, their development and great ideas and look forward to seeing what they create next year.

Mr Marwick Atelierista