We have had a super busy, full of learning and discovery term in Koorlongka. The final developmental reports will be sent out soon; please keep a check on the Xplor app. 


This term, the children have been very interested in bugs. They have been finding them outside and collecting them and putting them in our bug container. They have then researched the bug and found out what they eat and drink and then collected this and put it in the container to. We discovered that most of the bugs ate leaves and got their water from the fresh leaves they ate. To extend this interest, we created an environment for our pretend bugs to live in. We collected bark, mulch, leaves, logs etc and placed them in a shallow black tray. We then used our locational words we have been learning to describe where we had hiddenthe bugs for our friends to find. 

Timmys clues

This was a fun game we played to practise using the locational words we have been learning. Timmy the teddy would hide three paw prints around the room; each one showed a different locational word and was on a clue which helped answer his question for the day. These questions would be: what’s Timmy’s favourite colour? The children loved hunting around the room to find the clues and often wanted to continue the game with each other. 

Follow the leader

This was another fun game to help us learn our locational words. We had to follow Mrs Ralpharound the yard as she would go over, under, around, on top, etc. Sometimes we would have a go at being the leader. 


We have been learning about patterns this term. We have enjoyed making patterns by threading beads on a string and making a necklace. We have also used stickers to make patterns. 

Adding and subtracting and part, part, whole

We have also been learning about adding and subtracting small numbers. We have been using teddies to practise this skill as a group on the mat. We have also had fun using different coloured and numbered blocks. We have added two blocks together to see if we could find one block that was the same length. This activity has helped us learn the parts of whole numbers. 

School holidays

This term, the main event for the school holidays was showing off our big school Kindy to the Pre-Kindy children. The Kindy children did a great job at showing them their toys, activities, lockers, toilets, teachers etc. The Pre-Kindy children enjoyed a fun introduction to the room and teachers they may have next year when they go to Kindy. 

Other fun days the children enjoyed was the cooking day, animal day and water day.

Nutrition week 16th to 20th October

For nutrition week this year, Mrs Ralph brought in lots of different vegetables and fruits the children may not have seen before or tasted before. We had a sensory exploration of parsnip, brussel sprouts, beans, eggplant, fennel, asparagus and passionfruit. Mrs Ralph cut up the vegetables and passed them around for everyone to smell, touch and taste. A lot of the children discovered a liking for asparagus, fennel, parsnip and passionfruit. 

Bird’s nest

The children who attend Koorlongka on Tuesdays and Thursdays found an eggshell and a nest in a tree on a couple of our nature play visits. This discovery started an investigation and project into birds and their nests. We tried to work out what kind of birds the egg came from and which birds were living in the nest. We also made our own birds nest and drew baby birds to put in eggs and into our nests. Mrs Ralph also brought in a real abandoned bird nest that had fallen out of a tree. I showed pictures of the baby birds that lived in the nest when they were fledglings that just left the nest. 

Grandparent’s day

We invited the grandparents to come visit Koorlongka on this week. We had lots of visitors,which the children enjoyed showing around and playing with. 

Children’s week

For children’s week, the children could choose from some special activities that we don’t do everyday, like going to nature play, the wild space, clay, special painting, face painting, movies and messy play. The children really enjoyed the outside play areas and movie day.  

ChristmasWe have brought Christmas early into Koorlongka as a lot of the Kindy children are transitioning into Minasan as soon as school finishes. We also wanted to introduce the nativity story and start practising for the play we are to perform for the Christmas party. We have made many Christmas crafts like stars, angels, Christmas trees, stockings and cards. We have decorated a Christmas tree and made the room all chrismassy. 

Kindy GraduationWe are looking forward to our Kindy graduation on the 14th of December. We have been practicing walking on the stage, shaking Mrs Ralph’s hand, posing for a photo and then walking off the stage. We have also enjoyed watching the photo presentation and looking at our little kid photos. 

Whole Christmas PartyWe are also looking forward to our Christmas party, where we are performing the nativity play. There will be lots of fun activities and games to play. We can’t wait to see you all there.