Term 3 is ending, and the children have been so busy creating, exploring and discovering all the amazing things around them in the room and the garden.

We started the term by introducing a colour corner to our room, which has been a great hit with the children. They have enjoyed seeing and playing with different resources that have been placed out in the colour corner; the Educators have brought some of these from home for the children to use and experience.

We are continuing with the acknowledgement of country, reading and visual aids at the forum, enhancing their recognition of different everyday animals or items and a short bible story with a prayer each day. We have also added several cooking experiences for the children to be part of and enjoy tasting; sensory activities are a weekly highlight for the children as they love to get messy.

We have also placed some amazing resources and colourful decorations in our outdoor area, brightening up the space and attracting the interest of the children to use this space more. The children have been intrigued by watching and investigating the wind chimes, bright insects, and wind catches hanging up in our gazebo; they play in the mud kitchen each day with the added op shop kitchen equipment and will be receiving a cubby house and climbing frame soon. This should hopefully be a vibrant and explorative environment for them to experience each day.

The room celebrated Book Week in August, with the children dressing up in different book characters each day. The centre chose a Nursery Rhyme theme for our combined day, and Pikanini One educators chose Three Blind Mice; we also had Hungry Caterpillars, Little Miss & Mr and Old Macdonald. Children and the educators really enjoyed joining in on the excitement and fun.

The children have just finished creating a wonderful wooden tool magnet for their Father’s Day gift to the special someone in their lives.

We are looking forward to all the exciting and fun days remaining in the last term of the year.

Miss Harris
Pikanini One Curriculum Leader