As Term 3 draws to a close, we look back on what has been an exciting and transformative journey thus far for our Year 7 students.

This year, they embarked on their high school adventure with enthusiasm and anticipation, ready to make their mark. In a sense their journey can be summed up by Proverbs 16:9, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Our students discovered that while they set out with plans, the true essence of their journey lay in the steps they took along the way.

Launch Day was the perfect start to this adventure. Their excitement was noticeable as our students stepped into the world of High School for the first time. With new uniforms, new friends, and new expectations, they were eager to begin this new chapter. The day was filled with activities designed to help them get to know each other and their new environment, setting the tone for the year ahead.

One of the major highlights of the year was the Year 7 Camp. This was more than just a getaway; it was an opportunity for our students to bond, learn teamwork, and support each other. The camp was packed with fun activities like rock climbing, high ropes, tug-o-war, and the ever-popular Capture The Flag. A day at Outback Splash, complete with its oasis pool and thrilling water slides, added to the excitement. But beyond the fun, it was the spirit of cooperation and the sense of community that made the camp truly special. It was a time when students learned that their plans might change, but with teamwork and perseverance, they could overcome any challenge.

Our student leaders also played a pivotal role in shaping the Year 7 experience. They took the initiative to organise a range of activities that brought the year group together in fun and creative ways. The Locker Decorating Competition showcased the students’ creativity, while the Mini-Olympics allowed them to compete in a friendly, spirited atmosphere. Our Year 7 Assemblies, also led by our student leaders, were moments of reflection and celebration, highlighting the achievements and milestones of the year.

None of this would have been possible without the guiding support of our Form Teachers. Every morning, they were there to greet our students with a smile, helping them prepare for the day ahead. Their guidance and care ensured that each student felt welcomed and ready to tackle whatever the day had in store.

Reflecting on the year, it’s clear that while our Year 7s came in with their own plans and expectations, the paths they walked were enriched by experiences that went beyond those plans. Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that while we may chart our course, it is often the steps guided by unseen hands that lead us to the most meaningful destinations.

As we spend Term 4 closing this chapter of their journey and preparing for the next – Year 8, we are filled with pride for what our Year 7s have accomplished. Their journey through high school has just begun, and we look forward to seeing how the Lord continues to establish their steps in the years to come.

Mr Rainer Winkler
Head of Year 7