
Prefect Camp – 21-23rd February

The team of newly appointed Prefects, led by Head Girl Maddie Shaw and Head Boy Declan Collins, and supported by Mr Trimble, Miss Phoebe, Mr Leo and Mr Scott, ventured south to Busselton during the weekend of 21-23 February to build relationships within the group, establish some goals, and have fun.

On arrival on Friday afternoon, the team conducted “water sampling” off the Busselton Jetty, with some impressive jumps and dives led by Anna Watts and Jethro Yumange.   After that, the whole team combined to produce a very tasty taco dinner.   After dinner, Mr Scott led a discussion on what are some of the awesome things that Prefects can do to build culture and community within the student body.  

Saturday morning was spent at the Wilyabrup sea cliffs, in the Margaret River region, where the group abseiled down, firstly, a nursery slope of 10m, and then the “real thing” – a 40m sea cliff.   This activity provided a mental and physical challenge for most, including the staff.   Lunch and a swim at Meelup Beach followed, with most Prefects (and staff) having a go at stand-up paddleboarding in what were quite choppy conditions.  Mr Trimble was notably modelling the College value of “grit”, given the number of times he fell off the paddleboard, and Declan, Jethro and Mr Leo couldn’t resist showing off their talents as they paddled away…    in the general direction of Africa.

The Prefects took charge of preparing a barbecue dinner on Saturday evening, capably led by Tate.   After dinner, Mr Scott assisted the Prefects to prepare a series of presentations on the College values and, at the time of writing, the Prefects have begun to deliver these presentations to the student community. Mr Leo and Miss Phoebe led a fun games night until “lights out”. 

Mr Scott and Mr Leo cooked up bacon and eggs for the team on Sunday morning, which was followed by a devotion led by Miss Phoebe. The objectives of the Prefect Camp were met.   Friendships were made and/or strengthened, and everyone was safe and had fun!
