On 19th, and 20th November, we entered 12 very talented students across Year 7 to 9 into a highly regarded academic competition targeting gifted students. The competition is known as The Quest and is run by BRAINways in collaboration with UWA and other Universities across the Country. The competition was run a little differently this year, like most events this year, due to the impact of COVID-19. Students were required to participate online.

The competition focused on three major disciplines being the Humanities, Science, and Maths and we (SCBC) entered 4 teams into the competition. Each team consisted of 3 members with a member in each team representing the different year levels.

This was South Coast Baptist College’s first year in the competition and each team performed very well.

Team 1, consisting of Toby Luderer, Erin Reddy, and Chloe Patton finished 3rd overall with Team 2 (Jason Bennet, Amelie Richardson, and Lara Radic) finishing very close behind in 4th place. Team 2 also came first in the Maths section and second in the Science section. Team 4 (Rori Spaeth, Isabelle Merton, and Caitlyn Coleman) finished 6th and Team 3 (Vincent Bennet, Angelina Montini, and Adelie Soekinto) finished 8th.

Well done to all the students who took part, it was two very long brain exhausting days.