The last day of Term 2 is Friday, 29th June 2018 for both Primary and Secondary students. During the holidays, the Main Administration Office and Accounts Office will be open 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to…
The last day of Term 2 is Friday, 29th June 2018 for both Primary and Secondary students. During the holidays, the Main Administration Office and Accounts Office will be open 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to…
The College connects with families, advertises events and shares information through our College App, Instagram and Facebook page. We encourage you to download our SCBC School App free from iTunes or the Play Store, follow…
OSHC Vacation Care Forms are available from Main Reception and at our Childcare Centre.
Parents need to always remember that no one knows everything, and no one is always right. Whenever you make mistakes, say sorry to the children since withholding an apology may make you seem untrustworthy. A genuine “sorry”…
Our Uniform Shop is open three days per week during the school term as follows: Tuesday: 1:00pm-4:00pm Wednesday: 8:30am-10:30am Thursday: 1:00pm-4:00pm For a detailed price list & all uniform requirements, please click on the link…
All items found within the College grounds are held at Student Services. This also includes anything found by the Football Academy either on/off the grounds. Lost property can be accessed between the hours of 8:00am-4:00pm. …
At SCBC, the Fathering Project group seeks to support fathers and father figures in their important role. Here’s another great opportunity for dads to connect with other dads and have a great time with their…
South Coast Baptist College has a smartphone App to help parents stay in touch wherever and whenever they want. The App was designed and built by a Year 9 Digital Media class based on great…
The cast for this year’s Primary musical Aladdin Trouble has been set, and students received their Production t-shirts after assembly this morning. Rehearsals are underway for what promises to be a show full of music,…
The Primary School will be holding a seminar for parents of primary students who attend our College and also Childcare parents. SCBC staff member and qualified Protective Behaviours trainer Cath Marwood is passionate about keeping…
The SCBC Class Connect Parents (K-6) invite all mums (childcare, primary and secondary) to join for a for a special night of food, fellowship and encouragement. Please find the details below. Guest Speaker: Penny Webb Penny…