They say time flies when you are having fun! Well this year has gone way too fast in Pre-Primary 1! We have had a full year of activities and learning. Each day we pray to thank God for our friends and families and to help us; to show love and respect, to be safe and kind and have maximum attention so that we can have maximum learning and fun!
The last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind with our sports spectacular events, an excursion in our local community to utilize our mapping skills, assessments and report writing, our presentation night, parent helpers in the classroom and special visitors too! We have investigated what things in our school environment are made from, which materials are waterproof and would make good mobiles for outside or inside situations. We have also been learning about celebrations around the world as we head towards Christmas. It has been a wonderful year where the concept of reading and writing has really clicked for so many students, number skills have exceeded expectations with some children counting well beyond 100!
We have had quite a few picnics with the year 1 students and played on their playground. Soon it will be time for these precious Pre-Primary students to be in year 1 and start a whole new year of learning adventures.
I wish you all a wonder-filled Christmas and safe holidays, but Iām also looking forward to 2017 and all that it holds.