We have a great learning environment in our secondary college however we are keen to invite students to partner with us to make it even better. Partnering with students will result in optimum outcomes and the process provides wonderful growth and leadership opportunities for them.  With this spirit of partnership and empowerment last Wednesday morning 50 student leaders from year 7 to 11 gathered for a morning of group work facilitated by Darren Harris from Leading Teams.

The aim of the meeting was for Darren to assist students to determine what they wanted to be known for as a college and from their perspective what a great school culture would be.  Then proceed to identify specifically what that looks like and doesn’t look like.

Students worked in mixed age groups, lead by year 11 students, with group outcomes drawn together by Darren.  Student participation was mature and outstanding. The conclusion of the mornings discussions were that our Secondary Students would most like to be known for their compassion, respect and determination.  Students also identified specific current behaviors that aligned with these goals and the behaviors that didn’t align.  They were encouraged to lead others both by example and also by saying something or doing something when necessary.

Both the outcome of the morning and the spirit of empowerment and partnership with students provides a wonderful 2017 launching pad for further development of an excellent student learning culture at our college.

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