Mrs Kirsten Beek
Year 3A Teacher
Classroom: D4
Qualifications: Bachelor of Education Primary, Minor in Special Needs Education (Curtin)
Hobbies/Interests: Spending time with family. Being mum to two gorgeous little boys. Being out in nature. Going for walks and bike rides. Taking photos and digital scrapbooking. Reading when I get a chance.
What are you looking forward to in your teaching role at the school?
I look forward to returning to SCBC and being a classroom
teacher again. I love seeing the children in my class grow and learn I enjoy getting to know each child and helping them develop their strengths and also areas in which they require extra support. I look forward to children developing a passion for reading, excitement for writing and a deeper understanding of mathematics this year. It is exciting to be an important influence in children’s lives and teaching is highly rewarding in so many ways.
Something that students and their parents may not know about you that you’d like to share:
I’ve been part of the college for 11 years. I taught Year 3 for 7 years before taking maternity leave to have my own children. It’s been four years since I’ve taught at the college full time. It’s great to be back.