On Friday 3rd March the year 1 and 2 students were bursting with excitement on receiving a visit from Michael of ‘Critters Up Close’. Michael brought along many wonderful native animals for us to see, touch and experience. This included a snake, scorpion, tawny frogmouth, tarantula and a blue tongue lizard. We were also extremely privileged to be the first school in Western Australia to receive a visit from a flying fox!
Michael shared his passion for Australian wildlife with us. He encouraged us to see the beauty in nature and to explore the outdoors. You would be surprised how many precious native animals can be found in our local community! Did you know that mother koalas feed their babies their poo? Did you know that mother scorpions eat their babies if they feel threatened? Did you know, if you encounter a snake in the wild you should walk backwards slowly and shout “snake!”. These are just a few of the many interesting facts we learned from Critters Up Close.