A reminder to Year 4, 5 & 6 parents that students in these year groups at the College have the opportunity to participate in competitions for the subjects listed on the table below on a ‘user pays’ basis. It is recommended that students participating in these competitions have strong ability in the subject areas chosen. These competitions are Australia-wide as well as involving students from South East Asia.
More than 500,000 students participate in any one of these competitions and every participant receives a certificate as well as a ‘score card’ informing them of their achievement. Performing at a high level in these competitions is an indication of superior reasoning skills and ability in that particular subject area. Further information on these competitions can be found at www.eaa.unsw.edu.au Entry is offered as follows:
Entry forms for the Tim Winton Young Writers’ Award and the Sean Tan Art Awards will be available online. Entries for the Tim Winton Award need to be posted directly to the City of Subiaco as per the instructions on the enrollment form.
If you would like your child in year 4, 5 or 6 to enter the Digital Technologies, Spelling, Science, English or Mathematics competitions, please obtain an entry form from your child’s classroom teacher. Permission slips and payments for all of these competitions need to be returned to your child’s teacher or Primary School Reception prior to Thursday the 30th of March 2017 (Week 9 – Term 1). Late applications and payment cannot be accepted.