An Addition to the Parent Seminar on Thursday June 15th
Family Zone – Peace of mind when your child is online
There is no doubt that monitoring and regulating children’s online activity is one of the major challenges faced by parents today. The ever-changing nature of the internet can pose a concern and it’s perfectly natural for parents to worry about what their children may be accessing online. Engaging in your child’s online world and installing parental controls is now possible and is a key step forward.
To give you some idea of teenagers’ online behaviour here is a snapshot from a survey conducted by Mcafee Security Technology Company in 2012:
- 70% of teenagers hide their online behaviour from their parents
- Hidden behaviour is up 45% since 2010
- 8% of parents are overwhelmed by technology and just ‘hope for the best’
- 5% of parents trust their teens to not access age-inappropriate content online; however, 43% of teens have accessed simulated violence online; 36% have accessed sexual topics online; and 23% have accessed nude content or pornography online
- The top 10 ways teens are fooling their parents include:
- Clearing browser history 53%
- Close/minimise browser when a parent walks in 46%
- Hide or delete videos 34%
- Lie or omit details about online activities 23%
- Use a computer that parents don’t check 23%
- Use an internet-enabled mobile device 21%
- Use privacy settings to make certain content viewable only by friends 20%
- Use privacy browsing modes 20%
- Create private email addresses unknown to parents 15%
- Create duplicate/fake social network profiles 9%
To complement the Cyber Safety talk by Sergeant Paul Trimble, a local police officer, Pete Brown Cyber Safety Teacher formally from South Coast Baptist College and now Technology Coordinator at Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar will introduce ‘Family Zone,’ a tool parents can purchase and use to ensure peace of mind when their children are online. Hear from Pete:
- About a product on the market which gives you greater controls over what your children are accessing online.
- That if you have greater control over what your children are doing online this could reduce the number of cyber issues having to be dealt with by the College.
Primary and Secondary parents and friends are encouraged to attend this important seminar:
When: Thursday 15th June
Where: College Library
Who: Open to all parents and friends of the SCBC community
Time: 6.30 – 7.30 pm
Presenters: Sergeant Paul Trimble and Pete Brown