Wow, what a great term it has been already!

This term we have welcomed Mr Barber into our classroom as he completes his final internship through Curtin University.

In Science, we have been learning about materials through exploring how they are used and the effects of mixing and combining materials together.

We have also been learning about wisdom and what the bible teaches us about being wise. We have learned that even though we don’t get things right every time, growing in wisdom is a journey we take through learning from our mistakes, asking God and seeking advice from special people in our lives.
In History, we are excited to develop our researching skills by using books and technology to explore what life was like in the past for our parents and grandparents. Some of our wondering questions are “when they were in school were there dinosaurs alive?” and “how did they build electricity?”

We have already learned a lot this term and have many things to look forward to such as our History excursion to the Fremantle museum, a visit from Constable Care and our Dance Showcase.