On Friday, 18 August, 52 Year 9 students attended the Skills West Expo and Murdoch University as part of an excursion focusing on careers. This was preceded a day earlier by a “careers workshop” delivered by the Careers Advisor, Mr Scott, where students were guided through an activity that led them to select a number of broad career interests. The purpose of the excursion was to introduce the students to a wide range of employment pathways that are available, with some starting while at school. The morning session, at the Skills West Expo focused on vocational pathways, and the afternoon session focused on university pathways, with the students being able to have a good look at the South Street campus of Murdoch University. The University provided a range of hands-on activities including “facial reconstruction” (part of the Forensic Science program), “Presenting for television and live cross” (part of the Journalism program), and “Sports Science”.
Follow-up sessions with Mr Scott over the next few months will assist the Year 9 students to further develop their thinking around career interests, so that they are in an informed position for when they make their Year 11 subject selections around the middle of next year.