On Thursday October 19th we held our annual Primary School  House Athletics Carnival for Year 1 to 6 Students. A range of individual and team events were run across the entire day, with a focus on maximum student participation and enjoyment. Four hundred and fifteen students from year 1 to 6 in attendance on the day were actively involved in the tabloid program of 145 events. The weather was fantastic, probably the best day in the past eleven years which allowed for a successful completion of all events twenty minutes before the end of the day. The House of David won the Primary School Athletics Carnival for the first time in over eleven years.

I would like to commend all students for their hard work throughout the term and their eagerness to participate and encourage others over the course of the day. The secondary Certificate 2 Sports Coaching students were excellent assistants on the day and the Primary Teaching Staff are to be commended on their wonderful work. Many staff dressed in House Colours in support of the competitive spirit across the day. It was wonderful to see many parents in attendance and hear some positive comments about the day.

My personal appreciation is also extended to Mrs. Collins for her organisation of this event and the support offered by Miss Grainger and Miss Freemantle.  It was a fantastic day and great result for the Primary School students, staff, parents and community. On Friday the 27th of October at the 5B Assembly we will be presenting individual championship medallions and the house shield to the David House Captains.