In week 7 (27-31st August) the year 9’s set off to Forest Edge camp in Waroona. Students spent a week being challenged as individuals as well as collaboratively in teams. Students also took part in the Solo Challenge which is a key component of the yearlong Rite Journey program the college offers for all year 9 students. The Solo Challenge requires students to sleep out in tents for a night, silently reflecting on their journey of life so far, and taking the opportunity to think about the young women and men they aspire to become.
I was absolutely blown away by the year 9’s in how they conducted themselves over the week, despite windy and wet weather making up the start of the camp, taking on every challenge and activity. Students participated in a variety of adventure challenges including raft building, kayaking, target shooting, abseiling, a crate climb, pamper pole and a muddy orienteering hike. The year 9 camp offers a great time for students and staff to build positive relationships and for students to bond as a cohort as they get to know students outside their friendship groups. The camp focused on the power of our words with the opportunity God calls us to add value to each other’s lives by encouraging one another. Students spent time writing genuine affirmations (or warm fuzzies) to each other to put this scripture into action. This was such a blessing to witness our students going out of their way to write so many heart-warming messages to their peers.
Students were buzzing about their time on camp when we arrived, and I’d like to thank all the staff who assisted to make it such a successful week. Thank you to Mr Oeij, Mrs Mullane, Mr Hunt, Mr Scott, Mr Price, Mr Mirabella, Miss Phoebe, Mrs Carey, Sam Simpson and Mr Oates for taking time out of your week to encourage and have fun with our year 9’s.