Our Compassionate and Courageous Students
The courage and compassion of students at SCBC was evident throughout the Year 10 and 11 Bali Service and Adventure Trip in which I recently participated. On a visit to a house for Cancer Patients Courage the compassion and bravery of our students was evident as they stepped out of their comfort zones and interacted with people in tough circumstances from another culture. The joy that they brought as they sang, played cards and interacted with the patients was incredible. They also witnessed great courage in each of the patients, including a young girl with brain cancer who sang a beautiful song called ‘You Raise Me’. The was not a dry eye amongst us.
The visit to an old people’s home brought another tear-jerking moment for me. Our students moved from house to house handing out food and other items to each of the elderly, bringing joy as they went. A couple of older ladies were bed ridden, one blind and the other in pain due to cancer. It was very moving to see two of our girls sit with these ladies for a significant period of time, talking to them and massaging their hands. That night our girls asked if we had time to return to the old people’s home so that they could care for these ladies once again. These girls and other students were reminded that it truly is more blessed to give than receive.
At SCBC we are seeking to develop students with rigorous minds and compassionate hearts. It was so encouraging and inspiring to see the compassion and courage of our students on many occasions throughout this trip.