It has been a wonderful start to Term 4 in 2A!

In Mathematics we have been investigating 3D shapes and their properties. We are now experts at identifying the 3D shapes we find all around us and thoroughly enjoy drawing and creating them. Especially when it involves mini marshmallows! We have just commenced our measurement unit too. We have been measuring the lengths of all kinds of things, in fact, we even discovered our pinky fingers seem to be the same length as our ears.

We are also currently practising our persuasive writing and speaking skills, we can tell you all about why bringing a crocodile to school is a terrible idea. 2A can be so convincing, Miss Kirk fears we may soon be able to persuade our way around anything!

2A has been investigating Aboriginal culture this term. We were captivated by Ariana’s favourite picture book which told the famous dreamtime story of the Rainbow Serpent. After much discussion and analysing of the text we created a beautiful, giant rainbow serpent artwork as a class. The following week we have sung the song True Blue Wonders, which features four Australian animals in four different aboriginal dialects from various regions around Australia. Then we created instruments from objects resourced in nature play, decorated them and played them in accompaniment to the song. It sounded fantastic! Last Friday we discovered the kinds of food Aborigine people resource from the land and compared it to the food we eat today, before creating some bush tucker of our own…damper! We ventured down to the firepit and enjoyed cooking our damper together by the fire. Some students thought their damper tasted like a scone.

On Wednesday 31 October 2018, all the Year Two classes journeyed to Kings Park. We put into practise our array of knowledge from our current health topic; ensuring we were Sunsmart as we enjoyed a lovely day out in the sunshine. Everyone appreciated the importance of Moora Katta (Kings Park) and how the boodja (land) provides everything the people need – food, water, medicines, tool and shelter. We were fascinated by the Aboriginal tools we handled, the techniques of bandaging with plant materials we learnt, the traditional games we played to develop our spear throwing skills and the special symbols we used to draw a story map. The time we spent exploring and playing throughout the Naturescape was definitely a highlight too!

We hope this glimpse into our learning journey this Term has you excited about all the fantastic work we have been doing!