The team of newly appointed Prefects, led by Head Girl Kate Wellburn and Head Boy Luron Peters, and supported by Mr Oates, Mr Scott and Mrs Thompson, ventured south to Busselton during the weekend of 22-24 February to build relationships within the group and have fun.
On arrival on Friday afternoon, the team conducted “water sampling” off the Busselton Jetty, with some impressive jumps and dives led by Dylan Purcell. After that, the whole team combined to produce a very tasty taco dinner, with Shephard Chivambe having his first-ever taco. After dinner, Mr Scott led a discussion on the role of the prefect.
Saturday morning was spent at Bride’s Cave, just south of Margaret River, where the group abseiled 40m into the cave and then ascended via a steel and wire rope ladder. This activity provided a mental and physical challenge for most, including the staff, with Luron being the most-relieved Prefect not to see a tiger snake! Lunch and a swim at Prevelly Beach followed, before returning to the accommodation for a discussion on how a knowledge of personality types can assist working together as a team.
The Prefects took charge of preparing a barbecue dinner on Saturday evening, which was followed by a games night led by Mrs Thompson.
Mr Scott cooked up bacon and eggs for the team on Sunday morning, which was followed by a devotion led by Mr Oates.
The objectives of the Prefect Camp were met. Friendships were made and/or strengthened, and everyone had fun.