TECHNOLOGIES Subject Areas – Design Technology, Digital Technology, Materials Design and Technology, Engineering Studies, Computer Science, Design Photography, Food Science and Technology, Media and Production, Certificate 2 in Engineering Pathways, Certificate 2 in Hospitality.
Technologies uses extensively project-based learning and collaborative learning strategies to engage and broaden student understanding, skills and knowledge.
Teachers actively encourage students to participate in real-world problem-solving challenges through local, national and international competitions.
Our Technology students also have opportunities to compete in competitions which our students have participated in, and in the last 2 years have placed highly.
Murdoch University – Hackathon (First Place), Kwinana Industries Council Art Awards (First and Second place 2019), Rockingham Photo-voice (First Place), Model Solar Challenge, UWA (Most Innovative Car), Australian World Trade Skills – Construction (second and third place Southern region), CO2 Dragster (Australian National Champion), Australian STEM Games Challenge (2 -finalists).
Technologies students have also achieved well academically winning a School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Subject Exhibition Award in ATAR Metals (2016).
“Technologies – preparing and inspiring students for independent, reflective and relevant life-long learning”. This vision statement is what drives our teacher’s teaching philosophy and practice for our classrooms and workshops.