Our College strives to assist our students not just in school but help prepare them for life beyond school.  One of the areas that we assist them in, is Workplace learning.  Two of our students Jake Laggan-Pratt (Year 12) and Sam Foster (Year 11) are showing pleasing progress in their Workplace Learning, with Mook Football – at the College.

Another two of our students Rachael and Kiana had an opportunity to work in our Childcare Centre as part of their Workplace learning, which they seemed to enjoy!

In one of our previous Newsletters, we shared the story about our Year 12 student, Maddy Lambert, who has been selected by the Kwinana Industries Council to participate in a school-based traineeship, underpinned by a Certificate II in Business.   This prestigious opportunity came about because the College is a member of the Kwinana Industries Council Education Partnership, which provides a range of developmental opportunities for secondary students in Years 9 to 12

A recent update regarding her placement: “In a conversation with Debbie Hoey on Friday, she commented that she was very pleased to have Maddy Lambert working closely with her as a school-based trainee.   In fact, Debbie commented that Maddy was a “super star” performer”.