Kindy 3 has been very busy this term with special visitors and an excursion! Students in Kindy and Pre-Primary invited their Mum’s and special ladies join them for an afternoon tea and activities. The Kindy 3 class was very excited to present some songs, gifts, the food they had made and have a story together. It was a lovely time celebrating the amazing women in their lives!
Our excursion this term in kindy was a walk to the Waikiki Woolworths!!! Students enjoyed a special discovery tour – going behind the shelves to check out the huge fridge, freezer and storage areas. We met some of the staff who make and prepare food for our families to buy, and enjoyed tasting some healthy food too!
At school we have been engaged in activities about the very hungry caterpillar; learning the days of the week, counting, sorting fruit into the rainbow colours and learning the difference between healthy foods and sometimes foods.
We are busy active Kindy kids and we need lots of things to help us grow and learn in fun and engaging ways. These are just a few highlights from the last few weeks!