Our Centre is continually working on our quality improvement. The aim of our QIP is to constantly self-assess how we function. We also use this as a tool and a measurement to deliver quality education and care and to plan for future improvements that are relevant to our families and children in our care.  Parent input is extremely important and welcomed as a part of developing environments that are stimulating and interested based. To make this process easier, we have made a Quality Improvement area, which gives our families a chance to provide input. This month we are focusing on our Quality Area 1 – Programming and Practice.

Quality Area 1 of the National Quality Standard focuses on ensuring that the educational program and practice of educators are child-centred, stimulating and maximize opportunities for enhancing and extending each child’s learning and development. It recognizes that a quality program that builds on children’s individual knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests is likely to have long term benefits for children and for the broader society.

Our Educational Leader Jamaine Tweedie is the driver behind supporting our curriculum leaders in delivering quality programs that are based on approved learning frameworks and in accordance with that framework.

This feedback area offers another avenue of feedback in addition to our online feedback system through EDUCA. We view all of our children as capable and competent learners who have an agency and learn best through play-based programs. We have already have had a fantastic response to our QIP area, and look forward to working with our families in providing quality programming.