Held on Tuesday, 12th November, “Go Green Day” is an event to raise awareness regarding the amount of packaging and single-use plastics we use on a daily basis. SCBC’s GATE students were inspired to create this initiative after a waste audit they conducted in the second term revealed that our Secondary school alone generates over 8 tonnes of landfill each year!
All Secondary students and teachers who choose to participate are invited to:
- Pack a zero waste lunch;
- Wear ‘free dress’ (including at least one green item of clothing to show support); and
- Bring along a gold coin donation for the Australian Marine Conservation Society.
Our GATE students will visit form classes on this day and record the names of students who participate. Students who present their no-waste lunchboxes will be entered into a prize draw to win a zero waste lunch pack, including a bento lunchbox; a stainless steel drink bottle; and set of wax lunch wraps!
For more information, visit our student-created website: https://rfaw99.wixsite.com/scbc