What a wonderful year of learning we have had in 1A! We have become more compassionate, courageous and clever individuals as our understanding of the beautiful world God has given us has deepened.
We have become wildlife warriors for the precious minibeasts that often go unnoticed but play such an important role in the world. We researched the habitats of our favourite minibeasts and designed and constructed a collaborative minibeast hotel using natural materials to attract our little friends. Through this project, we learnt that an environment can have natural, managed and constructed features. This led us to research iconic landmarks around our local city of Rockingham. We put our project manager hats on as we worked together to build Lego models of these landmarks.
An exciting day this term was our adventure to Kings Park with 1B. We learnt how Nyoongar people used plants and animals for food, medicine, tools, shelter and protection. Through song, dance and role-play, we explored Nyoongar language and storytelling. We were brave and determined as we climbed up the Python to peer over the treetops and then cooled off by splashing about and building dams in the billabong. Our ‘bush experience’ in the heart of Perth will be a highlight of our year! We have become wonderful friends to each other as we listen carefully, demonstrate kindness and intentionally look for ways to spread happiness around the school. We are so thankful for God putting us together as a class this year. What an honour and blessing it has been for me to be their teacher.