Our Year 11 students have had a great start to Term 2. Preparations have begun for our end of year retreat at Rottnest, with a bunch of planning well underway. We were grateful to have had a lovely pancake breakfast as a year group to foster community and some fun – we ate almost 250 pancakes over the morning! There is something special about being able to gather together once again as a whole year group – I for one am grateful for the easing of COVID restrictions!
We have had two Year Group meetings this Term so far, and in each we have been discussing what it looks like to grow as a whole year group. The two ways we have looked at this is through gratitude and respect. We can be grateful for the smallest things in life, especially things that we often become ‘immune’ to in the busyness of our world. The Year 11s have been challenged to call out gratitude for the smallest things, especially in their peers and their teachers. It might even be a simple thing, like thanking someone for holding a door open while you rush through it.
While looking at Romans 13:7, we have spoken about respect entwined with honour. The verse itself states;
'Give to everyone what you owe them; if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour then honour.'
The idea of honour can sometimes go missing in our modern world, and it was great to discuss some really tangible ways that we can honour each other. Some of the simple ways we talked about honouring one another include paying a compliment, being understanding, asking questions to understand, overlooking mistakes, showing compassion, celebrating accomplishments and accepting or offering help. We talked about the fact that these things can be used to honour others, but also honour ourselves! We are often harsher with ourselves, and so its important to practice these skills towards our own selves.
I am proud of how our Year 11s have gone so far this year and am looking forward to continuing to grow our identity as a year group over the coming Terms.
Alistair Cochrane, Head of Year 11