We want to extend a warm welcome to all our new families that have joined us recently; we hope your children are settling in well, making healthy relationships, and building their confidence. 

Thank you to many families who have donated construction resources. A special mention to the Kegel family for their donation of a sofa for Pikanini 2, the King family for their time and expertise in helping us revamp our Wild Space area by building an outdoor mud kitchen, bridge, and a bench for our children to explore and enjoy; we appreciate you all! 

There is so much that happens in the life of your Centre; it is wonderful that we can share with you through the lens of Educa; your partnership and feedback are essential. Our Room Curriculum Leaders and their team design experiences and activities to develop and extend each child. The programme is a written plan, that is based on documentation records, observations, and interactions with children. All programs involve planning for all children’s learning and development, including physical skills, language and literacy skills, personal and interpersonal skills, problem-solving, thinking, and mathematical abilities.  

We hope you have been enjoying your family dinners as you all chat and reflect about the day your children have had. 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14)

Mrs Trimble 

Director of Childcare